
Showing posts from September, 2023


< h1 style="text-align: left;"> Introduction Networking protocols are the rules and standards that govern how devices communicate and exchange data over a network. They define the format, structure, timing, and error handling of the messages that are sent and received between different devices. Without networking protocols, there would be no way for devices to understand each other and cooperate in a network. There are many types of networking protocols that serve different purposes and functions. They can be broadly classified into three categories: communication protocols, management protocols, and security protocols. Communication Protocols Communication protocols are the most basic and essential types of networking protocols. They enable data transmission and delivery between devices over a network. They handle the syntax, semantics, error detection, synchronization, and authentication of the messages. Some of the common communication protocols are: - Transmiss

A Beginner’s Guide to Cybersecurity-3

Welcome back, from our previous post we discussed about the various career paths in Cybersecurity. To be successful in each of these paths you need some recognised certifications. This will help you to showcase and assure your potential employers of your skills and what you can do. We will be talking about  "Popular Certifications for Different Career Paths in Cybersecurity” now . Cybersecurity is a dynamic and rewarding field that offers many opportunities for growth and learning. However, to pursue a career in cybersecurity, you will need to acquire the relevant education, certifications, skills, and experience. Certifications are one of the ways to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in cybersecurity and gain recognition from employers and peers. Certifications can also help you advance your career, increase your salary, and expand your network. There are many certifications available for different career paths in cybersecurity, depending on your interests and strengths

A Beginner’s Guide to Cybersecurity-2

We will continue from where we stopped in our previous post.  We've talked about Cybercrimes, cybercriminals, Cyber attacks and different types of cyber attacks. We also talked on What is cybersecurity and how does it work?. Now we will start with    “Basic Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills for Beginners” Let's Dive in  Basic Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills for Beginners Cybersecurity is a fascinating and important topic that affects everyone in the digital world. By understanding the basics of cybersecurity, you can protect yourself from cyber threats and stay safe online. In this section, we will discuss some of the fundamental knowledge and skills that are advisable to acquire for beginners interested in cybersecurity. These are: - Basic Computer Literacy: This is the ability to use computers, navigate operating systems, and perform basic tasks. You should be familiar with the basic components and functions of a computer, such as the CPU, RAM, hard drive, keyboard,

A Beginner’s Guide to Cybersecurity

 Cybersecurity is a vital topic in today's digital world, where cybercriminals are constantly trying to exploit the vulnerabilities of computer systems, networks, and data. Cyber attacks can cause serious harm to individuals, businesses, governments, and organizations, resulting in data breaches, identity theft, financial losses, and disruptions to online services. Therefore, it is important to understand what cybersecurity is, how it works, and how to protect yourself from cyber threats. In this blog post, we will cover the basics of cybersecurity, including what are cybercriminals and cyber attacks, what is cybersecurity and how does it work, what are the basic cybersecurity knowledge and skills for beginners, and what are the cybersecurity career paths and opportunities. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of cybersecurity and how to stay safe online. What are Cybercriminals and Cyber Attacks? Cybercriminals are individuals or groups who engage in ill